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Gothic Dress and Cothardie Project

Page history last edited by ElisabethaVW 10 years, 2 months ago

In our business meetings we decided that this would best be accomplished at someone's house because of the nature of the work and the fact that it's likely to take all day. Below is my best guest of supplies needed based on reading web resources. Even though the resources in this class are primarily geared towards women's clothing, men also wore a fitted cothardie garment. If there are any guys in our group who want to join, we can talk about it!


Supplies each person will need to create a pattern:


  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Markers or chalk
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Seam ripper
  • 2-3 yards of woven natural fabric to create an upper body pattern. (Some sources insist that it must be linen or wool. Some say cotton is fine.)
  • Notepad to record information
  • Sewing machine if desired
  • Pattern paper or scrap fabric to copy patterns 



Links Relevant to the Project:

Robin Netherton's Fitted Dress FAQ

The Gothic Fitted Dress Explanations and Observations by Robin Netherton

La Cotte Simple has some helpful pictures with its tutorials for curved and straight front dresses which appear to be based on Robin Netherton's approach

Kirtle Class by Lady Asrune Rustikus-dotta

Kirtles from The Medieval Tailor

How to Pattern a Gothic Fitted Dress from By My Measure


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