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Page history last edited by Lynette 10 years, 3 months ago Saved with comment

This year TRM Cameron and Amalie are sponsoring a knitting charity! 


I created this page so that we'd have a more permanent place than Facebook to talk about patterns, etc.


The official page for the charity is located here: http://beckenham.org/camam/charity.html .


Fast facts about the project:

Hats will be collected until December 2014 when they will be distributed.

Duchess Elina will accept hats at any event she attends.

The MOAS for Wurmwald will also collect hats and arrange for them to get to Duchess Elina.


Wurm Wald Knitwits

Ask these folks for help if you want tips on how to start knitting!

  • Elisabetha
  • Hrefna
  • Roana
  • Lynette


If you don't want to knit

There are several things folks can do to help out without having to knit themselves.

  1. Yarn measuring
    Each hat uses 4 20-yard pieces of 100% acrylic yarn (or 80 yards in any color combination). (Note: It needs to be 100% acrylic for indestructibility purposes.)
  2. Yarn winding
    After cutting each of those pieces, they also need to be made into balls to prevent the knitters from encountering massive yarn knots in the process of hat making.
  3. Yarn bagging
    After the balls are made, putting four of them into a ziploc bag makes for an easy distribution method.


Comments (3)

Anne McKinney said

at 7:54 am on May 27, 2014

I don't have any more acrylic yarn to contribute (without buying some, anyway), and Liz has already volunteered her thread winder, but if you need another winder and bagger I'm still willing to help with that and measuring.

tricia530 said

at 5:40 pm on Aug 24, 2014

Royal Knitwits (as of 8/24):
THL Roana Aldinoch
Lady Elisabetha
Lady Lynette de Warenne (?)
Lady Marketa

Lynette said

at 6:03 pm on Aug 24, 2014

I've knitted somewhere north of ten hats but I've only managed to turn one in so far...

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