June 2010 Meeting Minutes

Officer Reports

     Martial -

          Practices on hiatus until late July

     Exchequer -

          Everything balances

          Need amount for Feast Space for Joe Event

     Pursuivant -

          Nothing to report

     Chronicler -

          Need new Chronicler and Deputy

     Chatelaine -

          New Deputy Chatelaine - Ursul Wilhelm

          Acting Chatelaine until Clara the Twirly returns this fall

          Go through shire inventory

               What needs to be made

               What needs to be replaced

     A&S -

          MAOS - busy in life at the moment

          Swag for Royals at Pennsic

               - Scroll blank drive for next A&S meeting

     Cooking Guild -

          Aleator is taking over for the summer

          Most of the dishes for St. Joe will be tested in larger quantities

          At Asian American Cultural Center

     Reeve -

          Inventory needs to be done

          Loaner garb needs to be addressed

               Inventory needs to be done

               Make loaner t-tunics one weekend this summer

          Shire donations? (Not to keep, but to loan out)

               Reeve will e-mail out request


Taste of the Arts -

     August 29th

     Great place to show off our A&S stuff

          Volunteers for the table?


     Reservations need to be put in


Quad Day -

     August 23

     Need volunteers

          Aleator will be there to set up tables

          Need people from Noon to 4:00pm

     Reservation in and done


Festival of Joseph of Arimathea -

     July Pale Announcement and Ad in

     Feast -

          Unitarian or AACC?

               UU - more people

               AACC - closer and better space

          Voted to change venue if possible

          Voted to exchange venue for UU to Maidens' date

     Cooks' Guild will be used to taste test dishes

          Encouraged to join to help taste even if you don't cook

     Volunteers needed

          Let Aleator know what you can help with

          Contact either Aleator or Elsbeth

     Tokens - Bookmarks?


Maidens -

     Local advertising

          Daily Illini (or The Buzz)

          Local radio and TV news

          News Gazette

     Budget getting done

     Tokens - Wax seals

          Start making soonish

     Advertising done by September 1


Daily Illini Video Request

     Sofya will reply with info on Joe Event


Shire Census Requested

     Check e-mail that Sofya sent out and please get info into her soon

     Questions? Please talk to Sofya


Upcoming Events -

     Olde English Faire -

          If you plan to go and want to camp, contact Illiton seneschal and plan to participate in the faire in garb

     Border Skirmish - Ayreton

     St. Carol on the Moor's picnic - Charleston

     Feast of St. Ethyl

     Simple Day - Royals will be in attendance