
Group Resources

Page history last edited by Lucius Antonius Ursus 6 years, 7 months ago

This page is the master list of items in the barony's possession. To keep things organized, specific items tied to baronial offices and loaner gear will need to be listed on separate pages that are linked to here. In other words, a page that lists our loaner garb, a page for combat equipment, etc...once a page is created for these categories, that page can be linked on this master list as well as other relevant pages like the Newcomers' page, Combat wiki, etc.


Inventory officer (Reeve? Librarian?): Catherine 


Inventory -- feast cooking and serving supplies

(Microsoft Excel file)


Loaner Items

Please list or link to the items and also specify who is currently storing them so we know where to find them.


  • Loaner Garb & Accessories: Currently, this is in the storage locker.


  • Armored Combat Loaner Gear: Currently, this is stored with Kegg  If it is needed outside of a practice, please make arrangements through him.


  • Rapier Combat Loaner Gear:  Currently, this is in the storage locker.



  • Loaner Sewing Machine & Iron: Sewing machine is at Elisabetha's. Iron is out there somewhere. This may be loaned out for a deposit of $20 which would be paid back in full when returned.


  • Loaner Frame Drum (for Music Guild): Current whereabouts unknown



Other Supplies

Please list or link to the items and also specify who is currently storing them so we know where to find them.


  • Books
  • Music Supplies: sheet music, etc.? 
  • Dance Supplies 
  • Sewing patterns 
  • Scribal Supplies: box of calligraphy pen tips 
  • Exchequer files, checkbook 
  • Heraldry Library: Can we get a list of books, and how folks might access them? (Bran)
  • Combat/List Equipment 
  • Chatelaine's bag of newcomer materials (Ursul)
  • Chirurgeon's First Aid kit 
  • Seneschal file box  
  • Feast Cooking and Serving Supplies (Excel file) (in storage unit?)
  • Banners (??)
  • SCA Road Signs: ?
  • Maidens Autocrat files/resources 
  • Rectangular Canvas Pavilion, about 8' by 14' (rough estimate). Poles are currently wrong size (Aleator donated poles to pavilion but no one has cut them to a "proper" length). Unfortunately, the pavilion's sides are only 4-5' high which means the poles can be cut to make the pavilion either a tent OR a dining fly. At Aleator's place.

Comments (6)

Anne McKinney said

at 9:44 pm on Oct 27, 2009

Eadric has volunteered for the task of organizing our inventory lists. Tonight we put a dent in it, but there's always room for help! Wurm Wald's most frightening possessions thankfully no longer exist, but we still have several "questionable" items like mysterious small scraps of stained, faded fabric and loaner garb items for which it would be a kinder courtesy not to loan out. Items that are deemed expendable will be offered up to anyone who wants them.

A question for organizing content on the wiki: Should loaner garb be listed on a separate page from other shire inventory, for the Chatelaine to direct newcomers to? I.e., a page of loaner gear and a page for everything else...

We will also need help inventorying other shire items that are not currently stored in my basement: loaner garb that hasn't been returned, shire combat equipment, shire music supplies, and other random stuff held by various offices.

Bran Chandler said

at 4:50 pm on Nov 20, 2009

I would probably create several pages, all linked to a master shire stuff page.
* loaner clothing
* other loaner stuff
* heraldry library and stuff
* a&s stuff
* combat stuff
* event stuff
* etc.

Anne McKinney said

at 10:31 am on Nov 22, 2009

That sounds like a good idea. Bran, can you put together the page for the heraldry library, or is this based on books that might currently be in my basement?

Bran Chandler said

at 10:15 pm on Nov 22, 2009

It is the grand total of three books in Bran's closet. I'll get it inventoried sometime soon. (If I don't do it before Christmas, feel free to remind me.)

Chuck Ehlschlaeger said

at 10:20 pm on Mar 7, 2011

Sof, is this web site the "up-to-date" place where the shire inventory is located at? If not, should we just link to the actual inventory?

Anne McKinney said

at 7:17 am on Mar 8, 2011

This *is* the place for it. It's possible I forgot to add a link to the feast gear page after I added it. I'll look at it later today (just woke up a few minutes ago).

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