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Meetings at a Glance

Page history last edited by Lucius Antonius Ursus 6 years, 3 months ago

Wurm Wald hosts a variety of regular meetings for various guilds and groups. This page merely lists a simple guide to scheduled times and locations, which may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please check the group pages linked below or join our Google Group.


Sewing Nights: 1st and 3nd MONDAYS - the 1st Monday is usually at Oswyn and Gertie's place and the 3rd Monday is usually at the Urbana Makerspace.


Arts & Sciences & Dance Guild: 4th MONDAY of the month, 7:00 pm at the Illini Union -- Arts & Sciences page; Dance Guild page. Dance Guild currently on hiatus (but if you're interested in learning more, please ask!)


Archery: Archery happens on alternating Sundays from 3-5 at the Stock Pavilion. More details can be found here.


Also, there are SCA events out of town that are held practically every weekend. If you're willing to travel, you're sure to find something going on somewhere! Not everyone in our shire goes to every event, but many of us ride together to events in nearby cities. Be sure to check our Events Calendar and Rideshare Board if you'd like to travel to one of these events.

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