Caer Gwyn Business Meeting, Sunday Feb 3rd
12 attendees
There was no meeting in January due to the close approximity to 12th Night/ Maidens
Seneschal Report – We are officially Caer Gwyn
RSO President – (Registered Student Organization) Nothing to report, however if you need to reserve space please check with Becky/ L Ebegai. Also, if you’ve reserved space you might need to double check to confirm reservations since start of new semester
Chatelaine – Not Present
Chronicler – Nothing to Report
Social Media Officer- We voted in Edith as our new social media officer. She will fill in documentation to take over office. Also, voted that the Social Media Officer shall take over the upkeep.
Webminister – Position open! We need someone to take over the role of Webminister. This includes updating the website through Wordpress and requires no programming experience. The Webminister also is responsible for the Google Calendar and updating officer email addresses.
Exchequer- Domesday (Year End) Reports submitted and approved. Wurm Wald and St. Carol finances have been officially combined. Caer Gwyn $4,034.37 at Marine Bank. RSO $1,127.49. Tara was voted in as Deputy Exchequer
Reeve – (in charge of storage locker) Not Present
Pursuivant – Not Present
MOAS – (Master of Arts and Sciences) Maidens went well, with the quick talks being well received. The last A&S class was cancelled due to weather. Some ideas for future classes were discussed: Stamped Leatherwork, how to do an A&S display, how to make a tunic class. If you have other suggestions there’s a thread on Facebook or you can contact Hrefna.
Group Marshall – Jan 27th was a small regional practice in CU including Heavy weapons and archers from another area.
Archery Marshall- Possible future purchases, wood for new frames and lighter bow. Also Lady Day Moot (Sunday March 3rd) is Caer Gwyn Annual Novice Tournament in Archery.
Old Business – No Old Business
New Business:
Maidens Report - We have only unofficial counts, but around the low 300s participants, the event broke even or possibly made a little money. Lack of participants blamed on weather. Lunch, organized by Genevieve, made money.
Lady Day Moot- Sunday March 3rd at the Stock Pavilion (1402 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana, Illinois 61801) Noon to 5 pm. Potluck where officers usually bring entrees. Since the classroom chairs are tight, we recommend bringing camp chairs if you can. We will be discussing options for Maidens 2020 beginning around 4 pm.
Midsummer Moot – Sunday June 2nd. We are hoping to get Peterson Park in Mattoon, if someone from Mattoon can be the point of contact to get the keys and open the building.
Caer Gwyn will host a group camp at Middle Kingdom 50 year over Memorial Day Weekend. Oswynn volunteered to act as land agent. Motion carried
Proposed Performing Arts Symposium #2 – to be run by Oswyn, Nicolo, and Lorelei on Saturday June 2nd, on the 2nd floor of the Illini Union. Proposal made, with estimated costs of $200 for printing, booklets, insurance. Motion made and passed.
Proposed Event – Middle Kingdome Academy of Defense- to be run by Ursus and Lena on Saturday September 21st at the Stock Pavilion/South Quad. Proposal made, estimated cost of $0. Motion made and passed. Ursus posted the proposal on Facebook.
Proposed Event – Maidens 2020 – Ursus and Lena proposed to hold this January 18th, 2020 at the McLean County Fairground in Blooington, IL. Estimated costs $4,688.21, average attendance 367 people. Issues discussed: Event local being outside our area, possibility to bring dance back to Maidens, do we need to have combat at Maidens? Can we do feast with no stove? We are still pursuing the Gordyville site. Item has been tabled pending more discussion at Lady Day Moot. Ursus has posted the proposal on Facebook.
Caer Gwyn Calendar:
March 3rd (Sunday) Lady Day Moot- Stock Pavilion Urbana 12 – 5
April 7th (Sunday) Business Meeting – Stock Pavilion Urbana 5 pm
May 5th (Sunday) Business Meeting – Stock Pavilion Urbana 5 pm
June 2nd (Sunday) Midsummer Moot – Mattoon 12 – 5
June 29th (Saturday) Performing Arts Symposium – Illini Union Time TBD
Sept 29th (Saturday) Possible Middle Kingdom Academy of Defense – Stock Pavilion Urbana
October 19th (Saturday) Possible Fall Crown Tournament – Illini Union Urbana
January 18th 2020 (Saturday) Possible Maidens # 47
The last Tuesday of every month – Arts and Science class at the Illini Union Urbana 7 pm
Every other Sunday – Archery Practice – Stock Pavilion Urbana 3 pm
3rd Monday of every month – Joint Caer Gwyn/ Makerspace sewing at the IMC Urbana 6 pm
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