We are here! Report went in. The book has been sent to Kingdom Seneschal, who wants to see it dealt with at 12th Night/Maidens. Huzzah!! Thank you, Marketa!!!
No expenses since last month! Go look up the numbers from November if you're so inclined.
St. Carol: no activity other than writing a check today, so....$2528.56 - $125 for the Moot site.
Archery: Past month, we had a practice at the Stock Pavilion, and Carol is still practicing when she can. The report went in on time with some coaching of the new system. There will be practice December 16 but not the 30th.
Nothing to report.
Report went in a few days late, but only because the deadline was pushed up one month. Some classes and activity nights lately, but not in December due to the holiday break.Starting up again in January. Class requests/offers welcome!
We have no chatelaine, since Lynette stepped down. Elections happening and Maeve has volunteered!
We've had several new people attend our Yule Moot and one at the most recent Archery meeting! Huzzah!!
Nothing new since last month. Huzzah
No change since last month.
Keepin' 'er steady, Cap'n. Keepin' 'er steady.
One project night in November and another meeting since then, but not much else going on.
Old Business
Charter vote: Committee has worked together to change the old charter from baronial to shire. People had a chance to respond, now we vote. Move to approve passed, motion carried. Yay!
New Business
Marketa is stepping down as seneschal. No hard feelings; but it's time and we thank her for her service. Bran will step up.
New officer volunteers --
Seneschal - Bran
Group Marshal: Genevieve
Archery Marshal: Genevieve
SMO and Webminister: Kendra
Chatelaine: Medb
Chronicler: Colleen
Motion carried to vote everybody into these offices!!!
Fall Crown bid: What with Maidens not being in CU this year, Oswyn asked what we might do to keep ourselves busy.
Fall Crown was suggested for October 19, 2019 - The Illini Union is reserved tentatively; propose running this as a donation event of $10/each and split profit with Kingdom
Should get $450-1000 in profit from this, assuming we also have a feast. We'd be required to have a feast; UU Church was suggested. Genevieve is willing to put in a bid as feast steward; Hrefna is also interested.
Why? This will help us spend down our RSO money. Other ideas - tournament of chivalry or roses. And as long as we do it as a donation event, that helps us keep the profit from having to be put back into the RSO.
Motion: accept the event from the charter; motion carried.
Motion to submit a bid for this event; motion carried.
Another suggestion for spending down the money: bring in a guest speaker or band.
Oswyn is tertiary; mostly letting Sammi and Andreas pull the strings. TRM and TRH will be there, plus possibly Northshield and Trimarian royalty. So, POMP! Thrown weapons in the hallway have been approved. Laurel prize tourney, craftspersons' faire, classes, SCAiri talks, etc.
Lunch pre-cook January 5!
We present The Book at Maidens, too.
Another possible performing arts symposium: Oswyn has reached out to Lorelei and __ but hasn't heard back yet due to holiday stuff. Our Moot site was suggested as a happy location.
Kendra: would like group permission to consider this site for a youth fighting symposium. Motion approved. K will put together an actual bid before approaching the group, just getting an ok to proceed for feeling around with other groups. This is for 2020.
Request for classes on how to prepare an A&S item for the faire or display. Hrefna suggested it for January A&S Night. Sofya has class info and volunteered to teach.
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