Marketa, Oswyn, Aleator, Kazamir, Sofya, Ebegai, Ursus, Khwahla, Bran, Lena, Genevieve, Colleen, Idris
We don't have the Armory. It turned out to be a big deal that people couldn't use the track while we had the site. Oswyn, Ursus, and Ebegai have looked into a lot of possible sites.
We can combine with 12th Night this year, January 12, and get 1/3 of the revenue, splitting with Ayreton and Carraig Ban. They're looking at sites in Oswego, Kankakee; Oswyn will tour sites with them. Kingdom didn't have much advice, but that there is a strong preference for fighters to keep Maidens at the same time of year.
We can cancel, or combine with Ayreton/Carraig Ban, or move Maidens to another time of year. We need roughly 15,000 square feet, which rules out a lot of site options.
Other options: rent tents and heaters and hold it outside. Decatur conference center has 17,000, technically in Swordcliff territory, but they'd be ok with it.
Vote: to combine with 12th Night. Thanks to those who spent so much time and effort coordinating these options!
Committee delayed start. There is a draft charter edited from the barony, plus the original draft shire charter from the committee. Copies available if anyone wants to look at them now.
Other new business:
Elspeth's mom dropped off some donations.
$1,630 in Marine bank; RSO: $1,127.49.
Oswyn and Becky attended training at Fux Hunt and she is now warranted and can be added to the account. Liz is currently a signatory but is moving away, so Kendra has volunteered to take her place. Voted unanimous approval.
$2528.56 in St. Carol; nothing else to report.
Everyone's working hard and she loves you all. Anyone who wants to step down from their office at Yule Moot in December should announce it by the November business meeting so we can work to get volunteers to speak up. Marketa hasn't had much luck convincing the seneschallate that we should be listed as Caer Gwyn instead of Wurm Wald for officer reporting purposes.
Reports went in; nothing else new to report.
Kendra and Katerina have a book on heraldry to donate.
Lynette has not been very available lately.
People have been showing up for A&S Nights and Ebegai has been doing a great job coordinating it!
Report went in. They still have us as Wurm Wald and that seems to be baked into the Midrealm website so I need to work with them to get it changed.
Archery Marshal:
Archery is going great!
Becky has been busy with the university red tape, seems to be okay for the rest of this year. Will work on the same for next year. Quad Day was productive and we have had students showing up for A&S activities. Secondary project night will happen more regularly to help keep students' interest. Two students have expressed interest in possibly going out of town for an event and working on garb, etc. Becky wants to encourage more of this crossover from RSO to SCA event attendance.
Making progress on converting our web presences with the new name. Still need to get the site URL changed but waiting for assistance from regional or kingdom. The google groups and facebook stuff is all converted.
Fully warranted for kingdom requirements. Have attempted to create an Instagram account for the group as well, though have not had any success connecting it to Facebook. Bluestacks software will let me use my computer like a phone and may make it easier to connect.
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