In Attendance:
Oswyn/Sean Exchequer
Genevieve/Kari Archery Marshal
Sofya/Anne Web Minister/Deputy Chronicler
Gunter/Brian New to the area
Lynette/Dena Chatelaine (needs Deputy(ies))
Edythe/Heather New member
Bran/B.A. Deputy Seneschal (and a bunch of other stuff)
Hrefna/Jen Arts & Sciences Minister
Katerina/Terra St. Carol Exchequer
Ebegei/Becky RSO President
Edythe North/Heather Minutes Recorder (for this meeting)
Exchequer Report
Shire of Wurmwald $3356.95 Marine Bank
$207 in outstanding checks
$11.27.49 RSO funds
St Carol $2528.56
A&S Report
Pending – let her know if you have done anything
Monday night A&S will resume in late August – let her know if you are interested in a particular topic and she will find someone to teach it.
Several people need to get into the storage locker
Archery Marshal
4 people (counting her) have signed up for Illinois Archery Club – our new venue
She will ask whether they rent out their site
Also Stock Pavillion and Judge Weber Park
South Archery Practice – Contact Carol of St. Carol ahead of time if you are coming
Her email is:
Desperately seeking a replacement and deputies
- Genevieve volunteered to be a Community Outreach Deputy
- We also need a deputy who can welcome new people to the Society
Web Minister is considered a Deputy Chronicler and can report for the Chronicler in absentia at meetings.
All present voted for Sofya to be the new Chronicler in addition to Webminister, so this point is moot for now.
If anyone has any corrections to the website, they should contact her (
Paperwork has been submitted for Ebegei to be our new RSO president!
She needs help and advice to run Quad Day/reserve spaces on campus
Discussion and voted up to $50 of RSO money to be spent for an ad in the Daily Illini with our contact information
Quad Day
Need volunteers for Quad Day: contact Ebegei/Becky at
Rapier Demo to justify our “demo” space
10 x 10 Tent for shade and tables (Hrefna)
Hand Spinning
Selfie Wall – castle?
Chatelaine cards or bookmarks – question of what information to include as name of our group is still pending with the Heralds, and don’t know if we will be a shire or a barony (Sean and Lynette to figure out what to put on the cards)
Michaelmas Moot
12 people voted to schedule it for September 9
Have (or need?) a reservation for the Stock Pavillion – ask Ursus
Yule Moot December 2 (1st Sunday)
To be held in Mattoon
St. Carol Storage
This includes 16 tubs of feastware that should shift gradually to Champaign-Urbana storage locker.
Discussion of switching to lock with number code, question whether allowed?
Performing Arts Symposium
24 people attended (including 10 Peers)
14(?) classes
A few classes cancelled
Roundtable discussion was well attended
$102.00 profit (?)
$107.58 cost
Do we want to do this again?
Pridefest Parade – Sept 15
Application is in the mail. All are welcome to participate
Action Item: Banner – Genevieve is working on it
iHelp Day of Service – Saturday September 22
We have been asked to participate, but no details relating to what is involved
Request too vague and September is already a busy month—No not this year
Do we have a policy on loaning stuff out?
No. Do we need one? Commons sense is enough, the goal is for these things to be used.
Action Item: Oswyn to create a paper log: Name/Phone/Email/Item/date out/date in
We need a new Rapier Marshal (and a deputy Knight's Marshal) (requires certification)
Gunter asks if there is loaner heavy armor, and suggests that we could probably make some
September Vote on whether we want to be a Shire or a Barony
Quorum: 4 (or 5?) of 7 Great Officers needed
Meeting adjourned 5:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Edythe North
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